Roots of Methodism in this community grow deep in history. A Methodist group was organized some years after the Civil War. In 1894 word spread quickly that the new Methodist group would soon be building a church. The members of this community we’re working hard to secure land and a building for a place of worship. A one-room frame building was obtained that year and church services were conducted. The Rev. J. S. Kinny was appointed as the first Pastor. The first account of membership and the appointment of a minister are traced back to this date.

The Church has grown much since 1894.

The congregation continued to worship in the one-room Church until 1919. At this time a brick church was built on the present location and is the current sanctuary. In 1927 a parsonage was built on the south side of the Church. This parsonage was sold in 1961 to make room for the Education Building and another parsonage located on Third Street was purchased in 1963. This parsonage was eventually sold and another purchased in Country Estates. 

In 1928 fire destroyed most of the inside of the Church. The great faith and courage of the congregation was shown at this time. With a debt on the parsonage facing them they rebuilt and enlarged the Church. When the work was finished the depression years came. The loyal and faithful members continued to work and give during those depression years until the church was debt free.

Since 1928 some remodeling and improvements have been made. The membership and Sunday School grew through the years demanding a new Educational Building be built. The construction was started in 1961 and completed in 1963. Since that time the building has gone through several renovation projects. Each improvement made it easier to offer programs for all ages.

The people called United Methodist in Madison have always possessed a great spirit and determination. They have accomplished many projects and been in ministry in this community throughout the years. Their devotion to this church is a shining example of people faithfully answering God’s call. We are reminded of the quote “worship without Christian Education is like a ship without a rudder to guide her. Christian education without worship is like a ship without power to drive her.”

Many programs have helped this church share the “Good News of the Gospel.” Our wealth is found in the willingness of our people to give of themselves in order that the congregation may continue to spread the “Word” of love for all people. With God’s leadership through the Holy Spirit and the faithful allegiance of these people the future of our church is fruitful.